Goal Setting; One Goal After Another

Goal setting needs to be an ongoing process. Sometimes it may feel like waiting forever to achieve a certain goal, but with action, persistence and determination you will eventually achieve it. The journey itself and having reached the goal is often the more exciting than the time after reaching your goal. We look forward to Christmas or a birthday and the presents that we will receive, we enjoy opening those presents, some days afterwards the joy of those has reduced somewhat. When we have reached one goal we should get to work on another goal, goal setting should be a continuous process; setting one goal after another. This makes life interesting, satisfying and fulfilling. Goal setting gives a person a direction in life; gives a person something to fill the mind with.

A directionless person is often a board person, they find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. When something happens which is unwanted, unexpected or challenging, it causes them even more confusion, worry and anxiety; how can they find their way forward if they do not know where they are going in the first place?

So use your goal setting and goal attraction well. Let it fill your mind and add to your quality of life, even if your goal is sometimes slow in arriving, stay happy and positive. Remember that goal setting needs to be an ongoing process, a way to enrich your life and the lives of those around you. Always remember to enjoy the journey, because it is the journey that really matters and on that journey be sure to grow as a person in skills, knowledge and character.

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