We create our lives and circumstances by our thoughts.

We are the creators of our lives and the way in which we choose to live within this world.

We create our lives and circumstances by our thoughts.
We create our lives and circumstances by our ideas.
We create our lives and circumstances by our attitudes.

In short, “we become what we think about” as Earle Nightingale put it. Many will refuse to believe this, but that will not prevent it from being a true fact of life.

If you are not happy with something in your life right now, look within first, at your thoughts. To change, do not dwell negatively on that which is causing you pain and annoyance; for doing that will only give it more power. Instead focus daily on a new positive change. Think about this change as often as you can, in a relaxed positive way.

Then create lives and circumstances of your own choice and design.

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